Van Invest SummIt

Van International Entrepreneur & Investor Summit in February 2024

Van Invest Summit is the event that focuses on investment opportunities and strategies. This event brings together investors, entrepreneurs and experts in the field to share knowledge, network and explore potential investment opportunities.

Event Location

Van YYÜ Cengiz Andiç Kültür Merkezi

Event Time

24 - 25 FEBRUARY 2024

About Event

Van Invest Summit is an international event jointly organized by Van Incubation Center (İş Geliştirme Merkezi), Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and Organization of Experts and Managers of Iran with the aim of exchanging information of World inventors as well as commercializing selected Technologies.

Van International Entrepreneur & Investor Summit, jointly organized by Van Incubation Center, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, and Organization of Experts and Managers of Iran held in Van, Turkey.
The Conditions of Attending:
Developed products must be a minimum of Technology Readiness Level-7 and/or their prototypes must be ready.
If the developed products have any of the following documents (patent or utility model), it is considered as an advantage and is prioritized.
Project Application Fee: 250 Dollars (CAMFEST)





Thank you for supporting us.

Eastern Anatolia Development Agency

Van Technopark

Entrepreneurial Businessmen Foundation​

Van Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association

instp 1

Inter-Islamic Network on Science and Technology Parks

Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH)​

Association of European Inventors

Association of European Inventors

European Academy Of Sciences and Arts​

Van Chamber Of Commerce and Industry

International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation

İL-SA Beton

IL-SA Prefabricated Building Elements​

Event Location

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+90 (432) 217 31 91

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info@vaninvestsummit.com info@vanisgem.com.tr

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